There does not seem to be any name for this area some call it Juniper area others call it Spring Gold way area. The official name is Rainbow Grove although I have never really seen it in any marketing information. I think I would have called it Mt Erskine Meadows. The development is going to be rolled out in 3 phases. Phase one (SS-SUB-19-93) freehold development (non-strata) of 25 lots (fee simple). The development has excellent paved roads that are owned by the Ministry of Transport they are not lower standard strata roads. The views from this development are outstanding. Phase 2 will be 16 bare land strata lots (SS-SUB-2002.7). See below for public info on phase 2.

Here is a map of the area with lot numbers on it.
The lots have a building scheme attached to the titles. Building Scheme. Building schemes stay in play forever however one would probably have to go in front of a judge to enforce it.
Plot plan for the area; Map Showing Rainbow Easements
Here is the trail map for Mt Erskine trail_Erskines
The wells on the development do not seem to have well tags. I would recommend always getting an independent pump test and full water analysis.
Overall this is one of the best values for one’s money buying on Salt Spring. Most of the lots are sold some are not.
Public info about phase 2 strata lots aka Juniper Place including water quantity and quality report; www.islandstrust.bc.ca_ltc_SS_pdf_ssagendamay172012pkg Juniper place www.islandstrust.bc.ca_ltc_ss_pdf_ssagendamay172012lateitems stata lots junper water
Here is some more information on the area; Treatment of subdivision water Rainbow Grove residents looking for a solution to arsenic-contaminated water Salt Spring News Arsenic on Salt Spring, The Untold Story There are articles that have been around for years. They are posted here for information purposes only.
Here is another article from the driftwood about the subdivision;

Video of the Salt Spring Slasher that happens once a year on the road in the area. It’s something to see but probably not try.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team