
Salt Spring areas

Skywater Salt Spring

The Salt Spring developers’ website is here Skywater Development.  My intent is not to replicate their website but to add information for my clients. The disclosure statement for this development has been updated email Scott for a new copy. Any development on Salt Spring will have to file a Development permit application at the Local …

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Grantsville was named after the Mayor of Victoria, John Grant. John Grant was a friend of Edward Malladaine and Edward Walker (the developers). Grantsville was the first subdivision on Salt Spring and did not turn into the town that was planned. From what I have found out, the lots did not sell very fast. Apparently, …

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Maliview Salt Spring Island BC The view from the bottom part of Maliview is out over the Trincomali channel.  Trincomali channel was named by Captain Richards of the HMS Plumper after the sailing frigate HMS Trincomalee of the Royal Navy. Amazingly enough, the ship has survived to this day and is in a museum in …

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