Maliview Salt Spring Island BC
The view from the bottom part of Maliview is out over the Trincomali channel. Trincomali channel was named by Captain Richards of the HMS Plumper after the sailing frigate HMS Trincomalee of the Royal Navy. Amazingly enough, the ship has survived to this day and is in a museum in Hartlepool, England and is the oldest British warship afloat.

From around 1969-1972, Maliview was developed. Maliview predates the Island Trust and the freeze on subdividing lots that came in around that time. The nice thing about Maliview is that all the lots have water hook up and sewer hook up. This may not sound like much if you are coming from the city but most of Salt Spring is wells and septic fields.
Maliview is on the BC Transit bus route #5 Fernwood. For $2 you can ride to town which is nice if you have kids as they can take the bus and ride to town.
Most of the lots on Maliview are just over 1/2 acre in size or approx 23,000 sq ft Compared to most city lots they are relatively large.
Maliview is in its glory on October 31. Maliview is known on Salt Spring as the place to go on Hallowe’en. There are upwards of 1000 “kids” trick or treating from house to house. The local grocery stores (Thrifty’s and GVM Country Grocer) have collection boxes that people donate to so the residents are not overtaxed by all the kids. It is really an event to see as probably 70% of the homes are decorated into haunted houses. I have never seen another area go as all out as this street on Hallowe’en. It’s very spooky.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team