Bishops Walk development on Salt Spring is on the old catholic church property. Here is the donor property MLS data sheet There are three parts to this development. This page will deal only with the bare land strata lots and freehold lots.

Please note as of spring 2015 the strata lots have changed I’m trying to get a new Disclosure Statement for the strata lots. If you go up to Bishops Walk and walk the lots you will notice most of the lot signs do not correspond with the strata plan or freehold lot plan or map on location.
Please see the affordable housing plan of 24 units on lot c below.
Strata Plan
During the summer of 2015 North Salt Spring Water District (NSSWD) put in place a sweeping moratorium on new water hookups. Here are the minutes of the NSSWD board meeting with the developers of Bishop Walk NSSWD Minutes-Trustees-Meeting-July28-2015 Update spring 2016 the moratorium has been lifted now you can have one hook up per lot.
Bishops Walk has had numerous little changes to its development statements. This Statement is from Dec 2013 Disclosure Statement for freehold lots Here is the disclosure statement for the strata lots as an amendment on May 15, 2015, Disclosure Strata Lots Oakwood Park – Consolidation
Here are the property tax assessment reports for Bishops Walk. Please note only lots that have sold are on these tax reports.
BC assessment report Bishops Walk BC assessment report Clifford Heights BC assessment report Dean Road
This is an advertisement article that was in the Globe and Mail Feb 2008 Rare development set for Salt Spring – The Globe and Mail. This is a new release from 2009 about putting modular homes on the lots visten_modular_homes.

During the construction of the roads in 2007, there was a lot of animosity towards the development by neighbours. I’m pretty sure it’s water under the bridge at this point but it makes for interesting reading.

Overall this is a well laid out and serviced development that is close to Ganges. It is one of the few developments that have underground services (hook-up fees not included) including water (buyers must pay a capital expenditure charge of $10,962 as per the development statement), electricity, fire hydrants, roughed-in driveways, cleared building sites and sewer. Please note all new lots are subject to GST. If you would like to see this development area call, text or email. It’s worth having a local expert with you.
Update as of May 2016 community services is finally going to get going on the lot 3 development and put in an affordable home development with 24 units. Here is the info from the Island Trust meeting on May 5, 2016; affordable housing info package
Please note REALTORS® may only advertise a property if such Advertising has not been restricted at the request of the Seller and is in accordance with provincial and federal regulations. This page is not an advertisement of currently listed properties it’s an information page about a Salt Spring development. All information on this page is deemed public information.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team