Channel Ridge is a phased development of the original 1433-acre farm property. The last phase was in foreclosure with outstanding debts of 46.8 million HSBC Bank Canada v. The 830-acre parcel as of Oct 24, 2014, has sold for $6.6 mil.
The map below shows where the new residential development blocks are slated to go on the property. Here are pages 87 and 88 out of the local land use bylaw 355 that deal with Channel Ridge residential blocks; pages 87 and 88 zone c (channel ridge) Here is the original Channel Ridge Comprehensive Development area zoning bylaw 123 amendment by law 125 from 1986; Channel Ridge Comp Dev Area 1986

Channel ridge has had lots of press over the years here are some of the articles Salt Spring project casting long shadow – Business Edge News Magazine Archives (2). Million-dollar views coming to Salt Spring « Les Twarog Vancouver Real Estate and Condo Blog and Creating a Sense of Place

Photo of the Channel Ridge trail system. Download a trail map here channel-ridge-trail-map

Zoning map of some of the finished phases of Channel Ridge

In Channel Ridge, there is an active ratepayers group and they have strong building schemes in place and attached to each plan. Here is a copy of one of them; Channel Ridge EH107853 Building Scheme. Here is a copy of the building scheme for one of the first phases Building Scheme R 58476 lots 1-8 plan 43713
Overall Channel Ridge is the biggest elephant in the room for Salt Spring Island. What transpires over the next few years will make a difference to the island. This is the largest development on Salt Spring Island.
Here is a blog post I wrote about swapping the densities into Ganges from Chanel Ridge; If Ganges could Grow Up.
The following was sent to me at the end of November 2014;
The Channel Ridge Owners Association sub-committee have prepared the following statement:
It is important that the public, and in particular realtors like yourself, remain updated and informed with respect to the Channel Ridge Environmental Systems Ltd. (“CRESL”) sewer system, services and operation:
CRESL and CRPL – with the approved sale of the Channel Ridge Properties Ltd. (“CRPL”) development lands to Viewpoint Ventures the CRESL wastewater system and service has become decoupled from the development site ownership;
Current Operations – of importance to existing Channel Ridge homeowners is that the regulator, Ministry of Environment, (MoE) is accepting of the “status quo” operation of the CRESL wastewater system, has not prevented the current operation, has not identified any environmental concern with respect to the current operation, and therefore continued operation and delivery of services is expected. However, the MoE is unlikely to put this acceptance into writing;
Permit – the operating Permit was approved in 1993 with the necessity for capacity expansion as additional Channel Ridge homes were built and connected. Expansion to date has not kept abreast of the new homes that have been added. The regulator (not unreasonably) wants adequate capacity installed when additional homes are connected (in other words the MoE no longer accepts a continuation of the past behaviour of adding new homes without adding capacity). The regulator also has a need to be technically re-assured about what has been installed to date by CRESL;
Amendment to Permit – representatives of the MoE have indicated a willingness to ultimately amend and/or re-word the existing Permit to reflect existing capacity, provided that professional advice supports the proposal. Subject to being reassured as to the present and future compliance/performance of the CRESL system, this may result in the total effluent capacity at the site currently being 60% lower than was originally thought (from the original maximum of 340 m3/d down to 137 m3/d). This means that effluent from a total of 100 homes could potentially be accommodated under the (revised) permit, if the professional advice and assessment supports it, if the system is upgraded to incorporate secondary treatment and additional raised beds, if the system is maintained in accordance with that professional advice and assessment, and if the MoE accepts the foregoing;
CRESL Status – it is expected that the technical re-assurance regarding the current installation will be an essential part of any regulator-approved change of permit holder. Until there is a new owner and new permit holder, the CRESL facility continues to be operated by a contract operator (as has been the case since 2003) and the receiver handles all administrative matters relative to the operation of CRESL;
CR Development & CRESL Expansion – the original Permit always required facility expansion as homes were added to the system. Expansion to date has not kept abreast of the addition of new homes. The expansion requirement remains in effect, but the total capacity is now less than the original Permit. The Permit is expected to be re-written to reflect this. Procrastination in installing the necessary expansion will no longer be tolerated. The CRD’s cessation of building approvals for the vacant CR lots is the mechanism being used to ensure that prior procrastination no longer continues. For existing homes the status quo as highlighted above remains, as it has done for the past decade or so.”
The foregoing is provided on the basis that no representations, warranties, promises, comfort or other assurances are being provided by the writer, the association of Channel Ridge Homeowners, or the subcommittee of Homeowners corresponding with the MoE and the receiver for CRESL, that all owners, purchasers, realtors, stakeholders and other interested parties must and shall do their own due diligence with respect to all or any of the foregoing, and that all such parties shall rely solely upon their own due diligence investigations and assessments of risk.
November 2014
Murray Nurse, President Channel Ridge Owners Association
Please note REALTORS® may only advertise a property if such Advertising has not been restricted at the request of the Seller and is in accordance with provincial and federal regulations. This page is not an advertisement of current listed properties it’s an information page about a Salt Spring development. All information on this page is deemed public information.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team