This development was started in about 1997 and came on the market in 1999-2000. The official name for the development is “Island View Properties” one would have thought they could have come up with something a little more original. It starts off from Stewart road at Jasper road, then up to Jennifer Road to Sarah Way with Becky way coming off Sarah. This has been a very successful freehold development of 37 lots on Salt Spring Island. The roads are owned by the MOT (Ministry of transport) and are not strata roads. The land belonged to the logging company Macmillan -Bloedel until 1988. It was sold to private individuals and logged and cleared from 1991-94. In 1998 the land was subdivided into residential lots and a park was dedicated. Here is information about the park’s restoration plan; Park info. There was some controversy after some of the lots were sold there was an application for a rock quarry on Jasper Road. This a not happening at this time but worth a read Aggregate Research Meeting excavates quarry plan, while current drilling slays other residents .

As all newer Salt Spring areas some places are listed as lots and then once a home is built it’s listed with a street address. It seems to make for lots of confusion when looking in an area like this. I have updated the map below to show lots and street numbers. I hope this helps.

The zoning for the area is CD3 here is the pages out of bylaw 33 that pertain to CD CD3 Zonning bylaw 355
Here are a few videos I shot of the area in 2011;
I do have a building scheme and development statement for the area unfortunately it’s a poor quality reproduction and might be missing some pages. I will see if I can find a better copy over time and update this page.
Please note REALTORS® may only advertise a property if such Advertising has not been restricted at the request of the Seller and is in accordance with provincial and federal regulations. This page is not an advertisement of currently listed properties it’s an information page about a Salt Spring development. All information on this page is deemed public information.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team