Here is a summary of 2018 in chart and graph form. This was one busy year for Salt Spring Real Estate, in one 14-day period I sold 10 Salt Spring homes which was a crazy time for me. Trying to organize home inspections, septic inspections, WETT inspections and whatnot was a trying time but it all went well. Amazing how it all hit at once, clients who I had not seen in years were here to buy a Salt Spring home and or offers came in on homes I had listed.
“It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.” George Bernard Shaw
Historical Review
Salt Spring Island real estate was a buyers’ market from late 2008 (financial crash) until the spring/summer of 2015. The low of the market was probably 2012/13. Since 2015 Salt Spring has been a sellers’ market with prices trending up.

We have used median values when possible. It is the middle value which means ½ the numbers are below and ½ are above the statistic given. The average value is different. To calculate the average you add all the values together and divide by the number of values. Here is a graph that shows how different the results are.
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Benjamin Disraeli
- The Victoria Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service ® is the source used for these Salt Spring Real Estate statistics. The total numbers might be slightly different due to private sales and sales on other Boards.
- If you are wondering why the Salt Spring BC Assessment value is sometimes very different from the listing or selling price of Salt Spring Real Estate, there are a few reasons. Most of the properties are unique and work is sometimes done without building permits. One of the many reasons why working with a realtor who knows the market is important.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team