The nuts and bolts of the local government are really the non-glamours basics of water, sewer and garbage (solid waste). The CRD is the local service provider for Salt Spring. On the night of 24 Nov 2016 Russ Smith Senior Manager, Environmental Resource Management for the CRD put on a waste presentation. Here is a copy of the slide show for his presentation.
Not covered during the presentation but important is the Ganges Sewer upgrade. Here is a map of what is covered by the Ganges Sewer system on Salt Spring; 20141201-gangessewerageinfrastructure Here is info about the 3.9 million dollar upgrade to the Ganges Sewer system. sewer upgrade
Here is a letter from Russ Smith to all those that attended the presentation I have posted it here for all who could not make it to this excellent presentation;
Dear Workshop Participant (and invitees):
Thank you for attending the Salt Spring Island waste management information sharing session on November 24, 2016. I have attached the presentation by Capital Regional District (CRD) staff for your information. The meeting was chaired by Director McIntyre who provided opening and closing remarks. No formal minutes were taken. A high level summary of the main topics of interest discussed and actions arising from the meeting is provided below.
Kitchen Scraps Ban
There was a lot of discussion about the kitchen scraps ban. Participants identified a desire for more education, including presentations in local schools, curriculum information, ads in the Driftwood, promotion of onsite digesters, and outreach displays at local stores.
The following links provide information about CRD programs:
School program resources:
Kitchen scraps information:
Marika Smith of the Compost Education Centre provided information about onsite digesters and offered to host an information session on Salt Spring. Participants shared positive experiences about their onsite units. The Compost Centre also has plans for building your own backyard compost bins and can offer expertise in mid scale composting systems. Marika can be reached at or 250. 386.9676.
Compost Education Centre information:
· CRD staff will undertake to provide more education on kitchen scraps on Salt Spring Island in 2017.
· Interested groups can contact the CRD or Compost Education Centre for presentations or displays.
Integrated Resource Management
Another lively topic of discussion was integrated resource management, including using biochar for soil remediation and as a strategy to mitigate climate change. There was a lot of interest in the planned CRD Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) for an integrated resource management project which will provide an opportunity to investigate a wide range of beneficial reuse opportunities for liquid and solid waste feedstocks. Participants expressed preference for local solutions and asked that the design of the RFEOI allow for scalability to encourage sub-regional application in smaller communities like Salt Spring. Any interested parties are encouraged to register on the CRD website to ensure they receive notification when the RFEOI is issued (
CRD staff advised that the RFEOI is expected to be issued in the first quarter of 2017. The results will inform the scope for an innovative procurement process. Any future facility, regardless of technology, would require a number of environmental assessments and controls and be subject to the Ministry of Environment’s permitting process which can take up to two years.
· CRD staff will work to try and include a section in the RFEOI to determine the level of private sector interest to undertake scalable sub-regional solutions
· CRD staff will distribute results of RFEOI to information session participants and other interested stakeholders.
Solid Waste Management Planning Topics
Several participants pointed out the importance of reducing and reusing in the 5R resource management hierarchy. There was some discussion about establishing solid waste services on the island, such as providing garbage cans in public places to reduce illegal dumping. CRD staff advised that the development of the new Solid Waste Management Plan would be an excellent platform for discussing and confirming local community values related to the 5R hierarchy. Plan development is currently on hold but expected to resume in 2017.
· CRD staff will consult with Salt Spring Island residents about local community values during the development of the new Solid Waste Management Plan.
At the end of the meeting, Director McIntyre invited Rob Grant, Executive Director of Salt Spring Island Community Services who run the recycling depot to make a brief presentation on future plans. Mr. Grant outlined potential social enterprises to reuse building materials and recover food from grocery stores to increase food security on the island.
Thank you for attending the information session and for your interest in waste and resource management in our region.
Regards… Russ
Russ Smith
Senior Manager, Environmental Resource Management
Capital Regional District
625 Fisgard St, PO BOX 1000,
Victoria, BC V8W 2S6
T. 250.360.3080 | F. 250.360.3047
So there you have it. If you would like any more info Russ would be the one to contact.
Scott & June Simmons
The Salt Spring Team